Meet the team

Iqbal Chowdhury has completed his BBA from Independent University Banagaldesh and MBA in Dhaka University in Major in Marketing.

Mr. Chowdhury is a PMP certified project management professional over 16 years’ experience in Project, Business development and Marketing in Telecom, real estate and Automation Sector. Also, he is an Edge expert and working as a Sustainability consultant in a five-star chain hotel. During his 16 years’ projection life he was engaged in many MNC’s like Robi Axiata Limited, Banglalink, Technogym etc. He is very confident project management professional capable of conducting any complex project

Engr. Qamrul Hasan has the good fortune to complete his B. Sc in civil engineering from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET).

Mr. Qamrul started his professional career with BSRM Group in 2005 and at the same time he earned a MBA degree from University of Science and Technology Chittagong (USTC). During his 15 years professional career he also worked for different reputed corporate organization like BBS Group, Double A paper (Thailand), PEB Steel Alliance, Confidence Group, Enerypac; which help him to gain enough Technical and commercial knowledge to take care of large volume of commercial, industrial and infrastructural project.

He has a firm believe that his academic background and associated professional experiences have provided him the confidence to run an Engineering and operational management.